(Fred for short) Bernard Wood III’s lifetime spanned several
major periods of US and global socioeconomic, cultural, military,
technology, and geopolitical change. Dr. Wood was born December 17,
1917 in Sacramento, CA, at the end of World War I. He was the son
of Frederick Bertram Wood and Alice Satterthwaite Wood. The Woods
had come to California from Michigan, Bertram having attended Stanford
University in Palo Alto, California, where he earned his BA and LLB
degrees, and Alice a librarian by training. Bertram and Alice made
their first home in Sacramento, the California State Capitol, where
Bertram began the practice of law combined with a career of public
Bernard grew up during the post-war transition, Great Depression,
and World War II. His father was heavily involved in the emergence
of California as a major State of the Union, and early organization
of the California State Government to meet the challenges of rapid
growth and development. Living in California, the Woods were somewhat
protected from the difficulties of the depression years. Fred Bernard
was a gifted student, and his parents were fully supportive of his
further education. Fred Bernard graduated from Berkeley High School
and enrolled at the University of California at Berkeley in 1937,
to pursue studies in electrical engineering.
Then came World War II. Fred Bernard was
graduated early with his Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Electrical
Engineering, along with many of his classmates, to report for duty
in the US military. Fred Bernard was a member of the US Army ROTC
(Reserve Officers Training Corp), and immediately upon graduation
was selected for a key civilian post working on military radar technology
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to counter the Nazi
During World War II,
Dr. Wood worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation
Laboratory in Cambridge, MA, where he helped develop the SCR-584
microwave radar used by U.S. and Allied military forces in defeating
the Axis Powers, and on other projects. His MIT work was carried
out under the auspices of the White House Office of Research and
Development. During this time he met and married Elizabeth Neumann
Mead in the First Unitarian Church of Boston.
couple, along with their first son, then returned to the University
of California at Berkeley where he worked at the CB Radiation Lab
and earned the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Electrical Engineering.
In 1952 Fred joined IBM Corporation where he worked until 1980 as
a systems engineer, mostly in research and advanced systems development,
in San Jose and Los Gatos, CA.
He was
a lifelong advocate and practitioner of the system sciences. In
1954 he was a founding member of the Society for General Systems
Research (now known as the International Society for the Systems
Sciences). He presented scientific papers throughout the United
States and in Toronto, London, and Budapest, among others, and participated
in study missions to Russia and Cuba. Dr. Wood was also founder
and President of the Computer Social Impact Research Institute of
San Jose, CA, and officer of the Earth Regeneration Society of Berkeley,
He was
also a long-time advocate of socially responsible use of science
and technology, and especially computer technology, and published
a series of working papers called “Communications Theory in
the Cause of Man”. He focused on global climate change beginning
in the mid-1980s, and then on advanced electromagnetic applications
beginning in the early 1990s—including potential new energy
devices that could produce energy from the active physical vacuum
(or quantum vacuum) more cleanly and cheaply than fossil fuel energy
In recent
years, he continued his early focus on factors important to the
survival of modern civilization and democratic societies. He was
a life-long member of the Unitarian-Universalist religion and associated
with Unitarian churches in Boston, Berkeley, San Jose, and most
recently Flagstaff.
Fred died of a heart attack
March 29, 2006, at age 88 in his home in Flagstaff.
He is
survived by two sons, Frederick Bruce Wood of Arlington, VA, and
Peter Mead Wood of Portland, OR; daughter-in-law Erica F. Wood of
Arlington, VA; three granddaughters Jessica Mead Wood, Rebecca Walton
Wood, and Melissa Alice Wood; and two cousins Ruth Satterthwaite
Hartmann of Bethesda, MD, and Camilla Satterthwaite Munson of Seattle,
Just a little more than two
weeks before Fred passed on, he did an interview for the StoryCorps,
a grassroots effort to record the stories of Americans to be archived
for future generations at the American Folklife Center of the US
Library of Congress. For Fred’s StoryCorps interview, see
the transcript.
Frederick Bernard Wood was the son of Frederick
Bertram Wood and grandson of Frederick Bissell Wood. While technically
not the exact namesake of his father and grandfather, Fred Bernard
was commonly referred to as Fred III or FBW III as well as FB, Fred,
and Frederick. In later years, he tended to self-identify as Fred
Bernard, in part to clearly distinguish himself from his father
Frederick Bertram and his son Frederick Bruce.
The paternal Wood side of the family hailed
from Michigan, as did his maternal Satterthwaite side. His mother
Alice Satterthwaite Wood was from Tecumseh, Michigan, and had two
sisters (Geneva and Beth) and two brothers (Perry and Joseph). Both
the Wood and Satterthwaite families were well represented by varied
professionals, including public servants, teachers, inventors, and
entrepreneurs. Alice Satterthwaite was a librarian, Geneva a teacher,
Beth a nurse, Perry a businessman (founded Tecumseh Products), and
Joseph a career foreign service officer and US ambassador to several
countries, and the first US Assistant Secretary of State for African
Affairs. Fred Bernard’s father, as noted earlier, earned his
law degree at Stanford University, and began the westward movement
of these two family lines.
Frederick Bertram ended up staying in California
for his entire professional career. In addition to the private practice
of law in Sacramento, California, he served with distinction as
Legislative Counsel to the California State Legislature, and later
as Associate Justice of the California State Court of Appeals for
the Northern District (San Francisco). Fred Bernard’s aunt,
Dorothy Wood, attended Stanford Medical School and practiced medicine
in the San Francisco Bay Area until her passing. Fred Bernard’s
brother, Perry Satterthwaite Wood, graduated from the University
of California at Berkeley in Engineering, and served with distinction
as Navigation Officer of the USS Spadefish in the Pacific Theatre
during World War II. The Spadefish set records for number and tonnage
of ships sunk on the Pacific front. Perry Wood had a successful
career in Electrical Construction Contracting.
& Educational years (1917-1952)
While born in Sacramento, CA, on December
17, 1917, Fred Bernard grew up in Berkeley CA, attended public schools
in Alameda County, which included both Berkeley and Oakland. By
his own accounts, he was both a strong student and a questioning
student, who did not accept the standard answers or concepts just
the teacher said. He was already testing and pushing the limits
of conventional knowledge. From his own account:
In high school in Oakland
(1933-36), I helped organize the Alembic Society, which was a watch-dog
for the public interest. We compared the public statements of school
board members and their corporate friends from PG&E, PacTel,
RREq&Rlty, StdOil, etc., with what the corporations and the
school board were actually doing. We found serious discrepancies
between what they said and did. The school board then tried to transfer
any teachers who let us bring our findings up in class, to teaching
remedial reading classes. We also found that some of the top Republican
Party leaders in California were working with Al Capone to appoint
50 Chicago Gangsters to be California State Police, but we decided
to let the League of Women Voters deal with that problem.
University of California, Berkeley undergraduate
Fred majored in Electrical Engineering and
experimented with methods of learning key features and developments
in philosophy, economics, political science, biology, and sociology,
in addition to formal engineering courses through seminars at student
YMCA (Stiles Hall) and YWCA.
Massachusettes Institute
of Technology (MIT) Radiation Laboratory and World War II
Pearl Harbor and the US declaration of war
against Germany and the Axis Powers resulted in mobilization of
all available talent to not only fight on the frontlines, but to
staff the Nation’s research, technical, and manufacturing
centers to gear up for the technology, weapons, and support infrastructure
that would be needed on both the Atlantic and Pacific fronts.
By the luck of the draw, and his diminutive
size but outsized technical skills, Fred Bernard was decommissioned
from the US Army ROTC and assigned to a civilian post as part of
the core team working on new radar technology at MIT. It was this
assignment that brought him into the Boston, Massachusetts, metropolitan
area, where he eventually met his future wife, Elizabeth Neumann
Mead. Ms. Mead, a native New Englander, graduate of Mt. Holyoke
College, and high school English teacher at the time, met Fred Bernard
at the First Unitarian Church of Boston. They were married at that
same church in 1943.
At MIT, Fred developed RADAR microwave circuits
and test equipment, wrote instruction manuals, and worked with biologists
to optimize RADAR test procedures to be more compatible with characteristics
of RADAR operators. He designed part of SCR-584 RADAR microwave
circuits; demonstrated operation of circuits to convince Pentagon
Committee and General Electric Co. to proceed with production of
SCR-584, which was successful in directing shooting down 95% of
German V-1 Rocket Bombs, and tracking V-2 Bombs so Air Force could
locate launching pads for bombing. He also organized the library
of Radar test equipment that was used by the MIT Library for almost
25 years.
He participated in seminars of Technology
Christian Association (YMCA) and Arlington Street Church (Unitarian)
and developed a three-dimensional chart of topics discussed at these
church seminars (implemented by a “skyscraper” built
out of an erector set). This chart turned out to be a rediscovery
of the classification systems of sociologists August Comte (1830)
and Lester Ward (1900) and had connections with the topics discussed
in letters between Lester Ward, Herbert Spencer, and Karl Marx.
He audited sociology courses at Harvard University in 1945 and was
a member of the General Committee of Arlington Street Church.
Frederick Bernard and Elizabeth Mead Wood
had two children, Frederick Bruce Wood born in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
in 1945, and Peter Mead Wood, born in Oakland, California, in 1948.
The Woods had moved from Cambridge MA to Berkeley CA in early 1946,
a few months after the end of WWII.
University of California, Berkeley graduate studies
While studying for his masters and Ph.D
degrees, he was a part-time staff member at UC Berkeley Radiation
Laboratory (Manhattan District) and UC Electronics Laboratory (Air
Force). He completed his master’s degree with research on
microwave coupling and included studies in the Economics Department
on the potential applications of nuclear power. He completed Ph.D.
qualifying examinations and a dissertation, "Coupling of Energy
Between Electromagnetic Resonators and Waveguides."
In an International Economics course, Fred
and classmates had trouble publishing papers because, according
to Fred, "Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Standard Oil of
California were fighting over who would control the development
of atomic energy for electric power generation. The report we prepared
was suppressed by pressures believed to come from the State Department
and the Atomic Energy Commission."
At this time he was active in the First
Unitarian Church of Berkeley; the National Council of the Arts,
Sciences and
Professions; Federation of American Sciences; and the Berkeley Interracial
Jose Years (1952-1980)
IBM Corporation
At the IBM Corporation he worked in a variety
of subject areas: Computer Memories, Geophysical Cycles, Computer-Communications
Systems, Remote Computing from Local Terminals, Error Correcting
Codes, Compression Coding, and Computer Simulation of Microprocessor
Chip Algorithms.
Fred started out with IBM in 1952 as a Technical
Engineer in the Engineering Laboratory in San Jose, California,
where he did Research on dielectric storage, coherers and bistable
transformers as potential memory elements.
In 1955 he became an Associate Engineer
in the laboratory, where he built a demonstration unit of von Neumann’s
concept of reliable computer elements formed from unreliable elements
in parallel. He obtained a parallel coherer memory patent (#2,899,657)
with E.A. Quade, and analyzed different forms of magnetic recording
for computer use. He prepared a matrix of possible methods of data
input/output with computers and obtained a patent (#2,957,315) on
a facsimile system using the Peltier effect. He prepared tables
of turnaround time and possible error rates for American Airlines
SABRF Reservation System, and analyzed characteristics of telephone
lines for data transmission.
In 1957 he was promoted to Staff Engineer
and was on three IBM committees involving a number of communication
theory, decision theory, and coding theory problems. His contribution
to the information retrieval report dealt principally with the magnitude
of worldwide environmental measurements, collection and analyses
to warn of impending catastrophic changes in the atmosphere that
might lead to melting of the polar ice caps or an early ice age.
At the Western Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco he presented
his now renowned paper
on the social responsibility of engineers.
It was during this time that he developed
his philosophy of the individual engineer having three parallel
roles in society:
the Engineering/Economic Level
& PHILOSOPHER on the Abstract/Philosophical Level.
CITIZEN on the Humanistic/Intuitive
He was promoted to Staff Engineer in the
IBM Advanced Systems Development Laboratory (ASDD) in San Jose in
1960. He created standards for error-detecting codes and studied
problems of remote scientific computing.
In 1961 he became Manager of Remote Scientific
Computing and Coding, where he studied image transmission and compression
methods. The next year he moved on to Manager of Code Evaluation
and Image Transmission, then was named Project Engineer for voice
recognition projects, such as a computer programs to generate photo-digital
tracks for voice-typewriter
From 1964 to 1969, Fred continued with IBM
as a Staff Engineer in the ASDD Lab in Los Gatos, California. He
analyzed streaming processor alternative computer architecture;
reviewed the state of the art in scientific information retrieval;
developed a simulation control program for 27NT control unit; analyzed
information compression systems; analyzed coding problems for mobile
police radio computer terminals; ran experiment tests of digital
coded police radio system and analyzed effectiveness of different
error control systems; and developed software for bringing facsimile
data into a Systems 360 Computer system.
At the 1964 Conference on The Cybercultural
Revolution in New York City, he participated in a discussion of
negentropy, and then presented a paper on negentropy and social
systems at the International Association for Social Psychiatry in
London in 1964. He also presented a paper on cybernetics and political
systems at Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
During his last decade with IBM, starting
in 1970, Fred worked as an Advisory Engineer, first in the ASDD
Laboratory, then the Communications Systems Division, also in Los
Gatos; and then at the Development Laboratory, General Products
Division, back in San Jose. He worked on development of microcode
computer programs for testing a new computer system and developed
software simulation of COMDEC microchip for both testing efficiency
of compression algorithm and for producing test sample compressed
and reconstructed documents. He completed the detail code for an
automatic conversion system to translate designs in one generation
of microchips to the next generation of microchips and experimented
with Computer Assisted Design systems (CAD).
After 29 years of service, he retired from
IBM Corporation in 1980.
Memberships in Engineering
and Scientific Societies
American Association for
the Advancement of Science
American Society for Cybernetics
Association for Computing
Machinery Special Interest Group on Computers and Society
Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers
Computer Society
Information Theory
Society on Social Implications
of Technology
Systems, Man and Cybernetics
International Society for
the Systems Sciences (formerly the Society for General Systems
National Society of Professional
New york Academy of Sciences
Phi Beta Kappa Society
Sigma Xi (Scientific Research
The Society for Computer
Political, Philosophical, and Social Work
Fred kept up his political side during these
years. He helped organize a legal protest for the San Jose Unitarian
Church against California State Loyalty Oath for Church Officers
in connection with church property tax exemption. He maintained
liaison with American Unitarian Association lawyers during the successful
appeal of the case in U.S. Supreme Court. He attended peace seminars
at Stanford University Political Science Department
He participated in the organization of the
Society for General Systems Research (SGSR) at Stanford and Berkeley
in 1954. In 1960 he published his pamphlet on the social
responsibility of engineers for the Society for Social Responsibility
in Science and appeared on Radio Station KPFA to discuss the theme.
At this time, he also started a series of working paper drafts,
Socio-Engineering Problems Reports (SEPR) on the social implications
of technology. In 1962 he became president of the San Francisco
Bay Area Chapter of SGSR and organized monthly meetings at Berkeley
and Stanford for a number of years. At the 1963 SGSR-AAAS Meeting
in Philadelphia, he presented a paper on the relationship between
communication entropy or negentropy in electrical communication
systems and the balance between freedom and stability in social
systems. In 1975, he presented a paper on communication entropy
at the IEEE International Conference on Communications, San Francisco,
and a paper on a quasi-completeness theorem in general systems theory
at SGSR Meeting, London in 1979. He also organized a SGSR-Special
Interest Group (SIG) on Philosophy & Theory .
Starting in 1970, he published a magazine,
Communication Theory in the Cause of Man ,
which dealt with "the application of General Systems Theory,
Cybernetics, Information Theory, and related fields of Communication
Theory to the strengthening of democratic institutions on our planet".
In 1978, he established, was president,
and served on the Board of Directors of the non-profit Computer
Social Impact Research Institute, Inc. to handle public service
work after retirement from IBM. He published loose-leaf book of
the cumulated and re-collated back issues of the magazine, Communication
Theory in the Cause of Man .
During Fred Bernard’s IBM years in
San Jose, he also was active in other local and national organizations.
These included the San Jose Peace Center, where he volunteered for
numerous peace advocacy activities; the San Jose Unitarian Church
where he chaired the long range planning committee for many years
and was an active member of the church leadership team; the Bay
Area Systems Group which as noted he helped organize and lead, and
was the local focal point for activities of the Society for General
Systems Research; the American Society for Cybernetics, in which
he participated in both SF Bay Area and national professional activities;
and the Society for Social Responsibility of Science and Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility, both of which related closely
to his strong interest in social responsibility of scientists and
engineers. He was active with the SF Bay Area activities of the
CPSR, and helped organize several local events sponsored by the
CPSR, which for many years was headquartered near Stanford University
in Palo Alto, CA.
years" in San Jose (1980-2002)
As illustrated above, though Fred Bernard
retired from IBM in the sense of no longer working for IBM the corporation,
he did not “retire” in the traditional sense. He continued
working full time, or overtime, on the causes that were dear to
his heart and soul.
His approach during his San Jose retirement
was to pursue his key themes through a range of activities. Constructive
and participatory social change was a constant priority throughout
these years, as it was throughout his adult life. He wrote and attended
meetings and conferences on the need for conscious, peaceful co-evolution
of all segments of human society. He was particularly taken by the
work of Barbara
Marx Hubbard, and attended some of her seminars in Santa Barbara
CA. He incorporated Hubbard’s concept of conscious evolution
into his own work. He continued to support the work of a broad range
of peace and humanitarian organizations.
While Fred Bernard felt that it was necessary
to work in the technical support of the Allied forces during World
War II, to stop the Nazi aggression, he always believed that in
general war was not the answer to global geopolitical issues. He
strongly supported the United Nations and all efforts to find peaceful
ways to resolve international conflicts.
Fred Bernard strongly identified with Nature
and the Environment. He gained strength and inspiration from hiking
and camping in the varied California foothills and mountains. Hiking
was his favorite form of exercise. During the 1980s his health was
still good enough to permit him to do regular hikes in several different
parks in the San Francisco Bay Area. Hiking for him was another
form of meditation, and communing with Nature. He was painfully
aware of the negative effects of industrialization and development
on the natural environment.
For one year in 1981 he was a Computer Science
Instructor at Evergreen Valley College. For the next 8 years he
served as a volunteer consultant to Environmental Groups and presented
papers on glacial cycles and climate change at conferences all over
the world.
Earth Regeneration Society
In the 1980s, Fred Bernard’s concern
for environmental issues came to the forefront. In 1983, he helped
found the non-profit
Earth Regeneration Society, Inc.(ERS) with Alden Bryant in Berkeley,
California. The ERS made a 30-day environmental tour of the Soviet
Union in 1984. For many years, Fred Bernard served as Treasurer
of ERS. By the mid-1980s, Alden and Fred Bernard saw climate change
as a major issue, and from that point on climate change was a high
priority for work of the ERS, and also of the Computer Social Impact
Research Institute.
I believe that US Government agencies
suppresed the normal process of research on the Earth’s
glaciation cycles between 1977 and 1987 to help protect the petroleum
industry from the impact of environmental studies. This lapse
of research could lead to our planet going into glaciation in
the next ten or twenty years, resulting in approx. two billion
people dying of starvation and the collapse of most governments
on our planet.
from his paper "My
Early Introduction to Politics and a Warning for the Future"
Fred Bernard Wood and Alden Bryant, and
their colleagues, used the ERS and CSIRI as vehicles to bring issues
of climate and global change to the attention of anyone and any
group that would listen. They co-authored the book Whose World
to Lose?; they prepared numerous papers and issue briefs, and
presented on these issues at several of the SGSR/ISSS conferences
in the USA and overseas, as well as at many other conferences worldwide..
They sent ERS issue briefs repeatedly to their congressional delegation
and to State and Federal political leaders, and to environmental,
labor union, civil liberties, and other advocacy groups.
In addition to his role as ERS Treasurer,
Fred Bernard served as a senior technical and scientific advisor
to ERS. He used CSIRI as the platform for developing systems analyses
of global environmental issues, and then incorporated those analyses
into the ERS program. Fred Bernard and Alden were among the first
to see the interconnections between energy, food, water, environment,
economics, and the overall health and well being of humankind. They
strongly identified with the Gaia concept of the living Earth, popularized
by Christopher Lovelock.
It was within this larger context that
Alden and Fred Bernard made their historic month-long trip across
the Soviet Union, to see and understand first hand the environmental
and related challenges facing the Soviets. This trip was one of
the most extensive made by visiting US scientists before the break
up of the Soviet Union. This trip also led to some continuing collaboration
and correspondence between Fred Bernard and a handful of Soviet
computer science and earth science specialists. Fred Bernard came
to realize that at the level of working scientists, there was shared
concern in the Soviet Union as well as in the USA about the growing
environmental and resource challenges facing the Planet Earth.
As noted, Alden and Fred Bernard were strong
advocates of reforestation, remineralization, and sustainable agriculture,
as key parts of the solution set for addressing global environmental
and climate changes issues. They collaborated with other organizations
with similar missions, and for a time seriously pursued business
opportunities for the sale and distribution of glacial rock dust
(for remineralization) and other eco-friendly products and services.
None of those ventures was financially successful, in large part
because they were way ahead of their time in terms of public and
investor awareness.
In 1994, he began serving as a member of
the board of directors for Corlan, Environmental, Inc, in Boerne,
TX, a commercial start-up company producing chemicals for toxic
clean-up. That same year, he went to Cuba on a Global Exchange trip,
where he was evaluating the soil nutrition problems in Cuba to see,
if food production could be increased by remineralizing the soil
with locally available trace minerals. In 1996 he began working
as an adjunct professor for the doctoral dissertation committee
at the Union Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sociology & Electromagnetics
Fred Bernard turned once more to his technical
and scientific roots to emphasize two additional themes. One was
his growing concern about the survival of the current global civilization.
Fred Bernard was interested in sociology from at least as early
as his high school days, and had studied the work of scholars such
as Pitirim Sorokin and Arnold Toynbee. He knew full well that to
date no civilization had survived indefinitely. His concern about
the potential severity of global climate change, and the geologic
history of glacial and interglacial cycles, raised his level of
awareness that humankind could be at risk yet again.
Also in the mid-1990s, Fred Bernard reactivated
his long-time interest in advanced electromagnetics. This interest
centered around the view from his college days that there were additional
dimensions of electromagnetic field activity beyond those recognized
in conventional electromagnetics. He restudied the work of James
Clerk Maxwell, the generally recognized father of electromagnetics,
and found that Maxwell’s original work included references
to several other variables and implied dimensions and complexities
to electromagnetics. However, in the late 1800s other scientists
had simplified Maxwell’s work in the rush to encourage practical
applications, and because the broader nonlinear, extra dimensionality,
quantum basis for electromagnetics had not yet been discovered by
mainstream science. At the time Fred Bernard was a student at the
University of California, there was no encouragement to go what
at the time would have been well outside the box of recognized theory
and science.
The new, advanced electromagnetics would,
however, have both positive and negative potential applications.
And Fred Bernard gave attention to both, using his usual systems
approach. On the positive side, the new electromagnetics offered
the potential of clean, efficient, and low cost energy, that could
be a major part of addressing and resolving climate change and other
environmental issues. On the downside, the advanced electromagnetics
also offered many possibilities for weaponization. In the mid to
late 1990s, Fred Bernard collaborated closely with LTC (Ret) Tom
Bearden, who had by that time already completed exhaustive studies
of the Soviet Union’s presumed testing, development, and perhaps
actual use of advanced electromagnetic weapons.
Fred Bernard pursued a three-track strategy.
He worked with Tom Bearden to attempt to assure that the USA was
not vulnerable to surprise or covert attack by the Former Soviet
Union using advanced EM weapons. He collaborated with EM researchers
and civil liberties advocates concerned about possible covert use
of such weapons by rogue elements of the US military and intelligence
communities, possibly against US citizens. And he partnered with
Bearden and with Alden Bryant and other new energy analysts to advocate
for fair consideration of new energy options in addressing the US
and global energy, environmental, and climate issues.
Toward the end of his San Jose years, Fred
Bernard began to encounter more serious personal health issues.
This intensified his core life-long interest in complementary and
alternative health. Faced with a diagnosis of systemic artherosclerosis,
he embarked on an extensive CAM program that included vitamins and
supplements, chiropractic, chelation therapy, hyperbaric oxygen
therapy, and electromagnetic therapy. While the impact of these
therapies cannot be accurately known, he did muster enough personal
energy and motivation to “retire” for a second time,
to Flagstaff AZ, in 2003.
Retirement”years in Flagstaff (2003-2006)
Global Future &
Higher Consciousness
Starting about the 2000 Millennium
Year, Fred Bernard was faced with several challenges. First, he
was increasingly concerned about the possibilities of some sort
of global catastrophe that might have devastating consequences for
humankind. He was focused specifically on the so-called Planet X
scenario, whereby a 10th planet in far elliptical orbit around the
Sun would return to transit the inner solar system and come close
enough to the Earth to cause giant tsunamis that could overwhelm
many low-lying areas around the world. These vulnerable areas included
San Jose and a large part of Santa Clara County and the tidelands
around the San Francisco Bay. San Jose itself is only about ten
to twenty feet above sea level, well below the project height of
several tsunami scenarios. Fred Bernard also was attuned to other
global change scenarios such as pole shifts and asteroid impacts
on Earth that have happened in geologic time with enormous impacts.
Combined with climate change, this concern
about global change was one of the factors that motivated Fred Bernard
to seek another living locale. Dean House, his housemate at the
time in San Jose, had spent many years in the Northern Arizona area
generally, and Flagstaff AZ in particular. Dean planted the seed
of possibly moving to Arizona. Flagstaff is at an altitude of over
7,000 feet above sea level, and obviously well protected from the
effects of even the largest tsunami imaginable.
In addition, Fred Bernard was increasingly
interested in a wide range of prophecies and projections of longer-term
social and geologic and perhaps even spiritual change. This interest
extended to prophecies of Indigenous Peoples and in the US, the
Hopi Indians in particular. Various Hopi elders have spoken and
written about a coming social and Earth transformation, roughly
on the same time scale as other 2012 prophecies. It happens that
Flagstaff AZ is within a few hours drive of both the Hopi Nation
and the Navajo Nation. Fred Bernard was drawn to move to an area
where he could have greater direct access to Indian elders who could
share their insights into social change.
Also, Flagstaff was symbolic to Fred Bernard
of his quest for higher consciousness of the universe and of other
dimensions and intelligences. For many years, he had closely identified
with the quest for the so-called Noosphere, the knowledge and intelligence
of higher consciousness about Earthly, planetary, and galactic evolution
and beyond. He was a long-time member of the Institute of Noetic
Sciences, which was in the forefront of the science of higher consciousness.
He seemed to have some third (or fourth) sense that Flagstaff might
be his pathway to higher consciousness and perhaps to the Stars.
Flagstaff is the home of the world renown Lowell Observatory, and
it was attractive to Fred to have access to a world class observatory
with relatively clear skies (compared to urbanized areas like San
Finally, at this juncture in Fred Bernard’s
life, he was facing significant financial and health issues. The
cost of living in San Jose and the Silicon Valley in general continued
to rise, and outpace his retirement income. Staying in his San Jose
house for additional years looked less feasible, and he was unable
to find acceptable alternative care arrangements in the SF Bay Area.
The move to Flagstaff helped alleviate his financial crunch, and
also provided him a new venue for staying in-home for his final
years, which he preferred over institutional arrangements. Dean
House helped facilitate live-in care arrangements with Lorraine
Ferrante, LPN, and her partner Larry Wood (no relation to Fred Bernard
Wood). A geriatric care manager from nearby Sedona AZ, Kate McGahan,
MSW, provided general oversight and occasional check-in.
Fred Bernard’s professional work
in Flagstaff focused on revisiting his “Green Cube”
for systemic analysis of social change on three dimensions: scientific
discipline (e.g., physics, astronomy, sociology, electrical engineering);
level of society (e.g., individual to groups to organizations on
local, community, regional, national, and international levels);
and type of social activity (e.g., research, education, advocacy,
social change, political change). The Green Cube symbolizes his
belief that a multi-dimensional, systems approach to understanding
social evolution can provide the more robust understanding, than
a more compartmented, fragmented approach typical of much social
Disseminating his Life Work
While in Flagstaff, he conducted extensive
web searches for information on topics relevant to his life-long
priority concerns, and newly emergent issues that tied into his
global perspective or were otherwise of interest. He compiled binders
of search results on hundreds of topics and subtopics. He also continued
to maintain his filing system and his book collection, both of which
were shipped intact from San Jose CA to Flagstaff AZ when he made
the move in mid-2003. He also continued to maintain a journal of
daily or occasional working notes, as he had been doing for several
Fred Bernard Wood’s greatest frustrations
at end of life were his inability to get his life work widely disseminated,
and the perceived roadblocks to convincing the political, governmental,
and business communities that a broader, higher level, more systemic
approach would of greater benefit to all. He remained committed
to the view that a peaceful, humanitarian, democratic (with a small
“d”), sustainable and environmental friendly, participatory,
and conscious co-evolutionary approach would maximize the ability
of the current US and global civilization to live long and prosper,
where other societies have failed.
This web site is intended to address in
substantial part Fred Bernard Wood’s inability to disseminate
his life work. He was part and parcel of the computer revolution
that swept the US and the world in the post-World War II years,
and he like other early computer scientists and engineers envisioned
the vast potential for facilitating information dissemination and
dialog. But the bulk of his professional and scientific work occurred
well prior to the Internet revolution. Much of his life work existed
only in paper format or in obsolete electronic formats.
Hopefully, now, the power of the Internet
and World Wide Web can be applied to his life work, for the benefit
of all.
It was Thomas Jefferson who once said,
in effect, that an informed electorate is the strongest weapon in
the arsenal of democracy.
It would be Frederick Bernard Wood’s
fondest hope that this web site can provide information, ideas,
and concepts that may prove useful to the citizens of the US and
the world, and their leaders in all sectors of society, in finding
future directions for our highest path and purpose, and the collective
good of all.
For Frederick Bernard Wood,
PhD, born 12/17/17, died 3/29/06

Family and friends of the
late Dr. Fred Wood III will gather at 1:00 pm on Saturday, April
15, 2006, to mourn his passing and honor his life-long commitment
to world peace, civil liberties, religious freedom, environmental
protection, and the use of science and technology for humane, peaceful
purposes. (See attached obituary.)
– 2:30pm
Time will be provided for
family and friends to express their own thoughts on the life, hopes,
and dreams of Dr. Fred Wood III.
– 3:30pm
Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
of Flagstaff
510 North Leroux Street, P.O. Box 1151
Flagstaff, AZ 86002, ph:928-779-4492
In lieu of flowers, charitable
contributions may be made to:
New Energy Movement; International Society for the Systems Sciences;
American Friends Service Committee.
To Honor the Life and Dreams
Of Frederick Bernard Wood

April 15th, 2006
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Of Flagstaff, Arizona
of Service
Chalice Lighting
Opening Remarks
Rev. Wendy Williams

Expressions by Family Members
Expressions by Friends
Closing Remarks
Rev. Wendy Williams
Reception Following
Assistance with Memorial
Rev. Wendy Williams
UUFlag Volunteer Staff
Lorraine Ferrante
Wood Family
Memorial Library
FBWIII was a true believer in the value and power of books. Throughout his professional life, he bought books on the vast array of topics and disciplines that caught his attention. These books ranged from historical and theoretical works, to analyses of current practical issues and challenges, to projections and visions of prospective or possible futures. His volume of books always seemed to exceed even the ever expanding amount of shelf space provided at his several homes in Berkeley and Kensington, CA, San Jose, CA (two), and his final home in Flagstaff, AZ. Fred Bernard used books as one of the major touchstones of his intellectual knowledge base and his active research space. He often times liked to keep the covers of literally hundreds of books in view at any one time, as apparently just the names of the books and their physical presence would help him keep the diverse content in mind as he pursued his systems thinking and research.
This photo shows a cross-section of books selected by FBWIII from his Flagstaff AZ library, that he liked to carry around to illustrate the breadth of his interests and his collection. All of his accumulated books were transferred with him as he moved from house to house, over the decades. Fred Bernard developed his own home grown indexing system, and by best estimates he had over 4000 books in Flagstaff, AZ. His vast library held great value for FBWIII, and his family gave great thought and care to the library’s disposition after his passing. In the end, the core of the library collection was donated to the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, CA, as the organization with both the need for the books and with a mission in substantial alignment with the topics covered in FBWIII’s collection. Materials related to the International Society for the Systems Sciences (and its forerunner the Society for General Systems Research) were donated to the ISSS archives maintained at California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, CA.
The donation of his books to like-minded organizations, combined with this web site, constitute a living legacy of all that FBWIII stood for and worked for on behalf of humanity. He like Nikola Tesla was truly a Man Out of Time, who saw the potentials and issues of science and technology years or decades before others. It seems so appropriate that FBWIII, a man who grew up with early generation computers and information technology, but retired before the Internet Revolution, would have his life work available to all those interested via the World Wide Web.